RePEc Genealogy page for Richard J. Gilbert

This page traces who advised whom during graduate studies for Richard J. Gilbert (RePEc Genealogy, EconPapers, IDEAS). You can help amend this and other pages of this project here. You can also look at the page's history.

Graduate studies

There is no record about graduate studies, help complete this page.


  1. No advisor listed, help complete this page.


  1. Department of Economics, University of California-Berkeley, Berkeley, California (USA)
    1. 1983 Charles F. Mason (RePEc Genealogy, EconPapers, IDEAS)
    2. 1985 Geoffrey Scott Rothwell (RePEc Genealogy, EconPapers, IDEAS)
    3. 1989 Jeffrey Church (RePEc Genealogy, EconPapers, IDEAS)
    4. 1989 Neil Gandal (RePEc Genealogy, EconPapers, IDEAS)
    5. 1990 Jacques Lawarree (RePEc Genealogy, EconPapers, IDEAS)
    6. 1999 James E. Prieger (RePEc Genealogy, EconPapers, IDEAS)
    7. 2001 Justine S. Hastings (RePEc Genealogy, EconPapers, IDEAS)