RePEc Genealogy page for Robert Andrew Margo

This page traces who advised whom during graduate studies for Robert Andrew Margo (RePEc Genealogy, EconPapers, IDEAS). You can help amend this and other pages of this project here. You can also look at the page's history.

Graduate studies

Robert Andrew Margo got the terminal degree from Department of Economics, Harvard University, Cambridge, Massachusetts (USA) in 1982.


  1. Robert William Fogel (RePEc Genealogy, EconPapers, IDEAS)


  1. Department of Economics, Boston College, Chestnut Hill, Massachusetts (USA)
    1. 2018 Lauren Hoehn-Velasco (RePEc Genealogy, EconPapers, IDEAS)
  2. Department of Economics, Vanderbilt University, Nashville, Tennessee (USA)
    1. 2005 Martha J. Bailey (RePEc Genealogy, EconPapers, IDEAS)
  3. Department of Economics, Boston University, Boston, Massachusetts (USA)
    1. 2008 Claudia Rei (RePEc Genealogy, EconPapers, IDEAS)
    2. 2009 Andre Carlos Martinez Fritscher (RePEc Genealogy, EconPapers, IDEAS)
    3. 2013 Laura Salisbury (RePEc Genealogy, EconPapers, IDEAS)
    4. 2016 Elisabeth Ruth Perlman (RePEc Genealogy, EconPapers, IDEAS)