RePEc Genealogy page for Kenneth Frank Wallis

This page traces who advised whom during graduate studies for Kenneth Frank Wallis (RePEc Genealogy, EconPapers, IDEAS). You can help amend this and other pages of this project here. You can also look at the page's history.

Graduate studies

Kenneth Frank Wallis got the terminal degree from Graduate School of Business, Stanford University, Stanford, California (USA) in 1966.


  1. Marc Nerlove (RePEc Genealogy, EconPapers, IDEAS)


  1. At unknown department:
    1. Year? Silvia Sgherri (RePEc Genealogy, EconPapers, IDEAS)
  2. London School of Economics (LSE), London, United Kingdom
    1. 1976 Denise Osborn (RePEc Genealogy, EconPapers, IDEAS)
    2. 1978 Richard T. Baillie (RePEc Genealogy, EconPapers, IDEAS)
  3. Department of Economics, University of Warwick, Coventry, United Kingdom
    1. 1985 Alastair Hall (RePEc Genealogy, EconPapers, IDEAS)
    2. 1990 Paul Gregory Fisher (RePEc Genealogy, EconPapers, IDEAS)
    3. 1995 Gianni Amisano (RePEc Genealogy, EconPapers, IDEAS)
    4. 1998 Sushanta K. Mallick (RePEc Genealogy, EconPapers, IDEAS)
    5. 2002 Ana Beatriz Galvao (RePEc Genealogy, EconPapers, IDEAS)